OPHTHALMOLOGY - glaucoma, vitreo-retinal diseases, corneal problems, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy, tumours and other eye disorders.


Highland Hospital offers comprehensive eye care services from routine eye exams to leading edge ophthalmic diagnostic testing, advanced clinical treatments, laser and surgical procedures.

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The department of Ophthalmology at Highland Hospital provides comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for disorders of the eyes. Highland Hospital offers comprehensive eye care services from routine eye exams to leading edge ophthalmic diagnostic testing, advanced clinical treatments and surgical procedures. We have board-certified ophthalmologists including fellowship-trained sub-specialists in glaucoma, retina, cornea and external eye disease, ocular pathology, paediatric ophthalmology and cataract surgery. Advanced facility and investigative methods enable our specialists to choose the best approach for treatment of glaucoma, vitreo-retinal diseases, corneal problems, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy, tumours and other eye disorders.

We utilize sophisticated ophthalmic imaging equipment and are assisted by a dedicated staff of certified technicians, ophthalmic assistants and nurses, who provide a team approach to eye care, whether you need emergency medical treatment for an eye injury or just have a few questions about your vision.

Highland Hospital specialty eye care services include:

Cataract surgery
Corneal and external disease
Diabetic eye disease
Diagnostic testing
Macular diseases and conditions
Pediatric eye disease
Retinal diseases and conditions

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